The Rizing Up Mentality with Jeff Rizer
A podcast designed to build breakthrough mindsets that have you Becoming More, Doing More and Ultimately Giving More……inspiring stories of adversity that have led to success along with leadership and mentorship from real people, relating to ways you can begin Rizing Up against obstacles in your business and personal life.
24 episodes
Creating Your Own Matrix
Creating your own Matrix….how your thoughts and self belief and a focus on always taking one more step…..will absolutely change your life…………it’s a testament to the idea that success isn't just about all these big wins, but more so about the sm...
Episode 24

How To Survive A Recession!
Is a recession looming? With inflation at all time highs, are you prepared for an economic downturn? Here is how Sweating The Small Stuff will keep you out of your own personal recession and creating opportunities that otherwise would not exist...
Season 2
Episode 23

Crossfit Games Champion Shares His AMRAP Mentality to Success
Crossfit Games Champion, Two Time Podium Finisher at The Crossfit Games and former Fittest Man on Earth Jason Khalipa joins me to share breakthrough mindsets that have you putting in the work every single day with a clear mind, clear goals and ...
Season 2
Episode 22

How to 10X Your Life Through Innovation and Leadership with Rob Ruth
Most never believe they can 10X every area of their life because they do not believe it is possible. They don't understand what it takes and they are not fully committed to the process. 10X your life means setting targets and goals tha...
Season 2
Episode 21

The People You Meet and The People You Keep and How It Affects Your Children
The people you meet and the people you choose to keep in your village or circle, has a direct affect on how it impacts you, your children and your path. Choosing the wrong village, can have you median stuck and unfulfilled. Adjustin...
Season 2
Episode 20

19. Overcoming Rejection by Being the HERO of Your Own Movie
We all face rejection, it's how we react to that rejection that determines ho we evolve and ultimately who we impact. Do you self sabotage after rejection? Learn how becoming the HERO of your own movie can help you handle rejection and el...
Season 1
Episode 19

#18. Living a Life of Fulfillment
Where are you on the scale of living out your dream? Are you watching time go by? Have you made your move? Have you started to take steps towards doing what you want? Or are you still just “wasting time” …. are you still just “hoping” it happen...
Season 1
Episode 18

17. Youth Rizing - How Covid-19 is Destroying Children
The hidden impact of Covid-19 in our children is creating irreparable consequences that are being ignored. What are those hidden consequences that are slowly taking over, who is at fault and how do we fix it? Hear it all in Episode #17
Season 1
Episode 17

#16. FEAR is a LIAR
"The moment you accept total responsibility for everything in your life is the moment where you claim the power to change anything in your life.”FEAR has been lying to you and FEAR is controlling you.Hear the 5 things FEAR and E...
Season 1
Episode 16

15. Surviving Child Abuse to Champion Boxer with Jill Stanford-Caw
Jill Stanford-Caw is an Elite Champion Female Boxer, competed at the Olympic Trials and is now starting her Pro Boxing Career. Jill shares what it takes to be a Champion Boxer, how she took advantage of an opportunity and became friends with Cr...
Season 1
Episode 15

14. Mind Flow over Mindset and How our Food is Killing Us Slowly with Brandon Oshodin
Brandon Oshodin is a certified holistic nutrition coach, has trained numerous celebrities and professional athletes to BECOME MORE and DO MORE and now leads a mission to save and transform lives through organic nutrition and connecting with our...
Season 1
Episode 14

13. The Art of Self Discipline with Kimberly Olson
Self Discipline is one of the most important requirements for success and breakthrough in every area of life."A disciplined mind leads to happiness, an undisciplined mind leads to suffering." - Dalai LlamaKimberly Olson is a bes...
Season 1
Episode 13

12. How To Finish 2020 Strong - FRIDAY BONUS EPISODE
Special Friday BONUS EPISODEInstead of rushing through the rest of 2020, there are things you can do NOW so that when January 1st 2021 arrives, you already have massive momentum heading into the New Year.The only way that will hap...
Season 1
Episode 12

11. Lies, Choices and Navy Seals - How Every Decision We Make MATTERS
Every Second Matters, Every Minute Matters, Every Decision we make matters and ultimatley compounds into something positive or negative.The lies we tell, the lies we believe, the lies we spread have led to decisions that have compounded...
Season 1
Episode 11

10. It could be your fault you lack inspiration and fulfillment!
Mondays....a day we get to see the Karen's at work, a day we get to be frustrated, a day we HAVE to do certain things we don't want to do.......BUT.....does it really have to be that way.Is it your fault that you lack inspiration and fu...
Season 1
Episode 10

09. The #1 Reason Poor Culture Exists in Business, Relationships and Society!
If you are leading a business, family or relationship, How safe do the people involved feel in your environment? How confident are they in their future?Teams and Relationships that have individual players focused on individual gai...
Season 1
Episode 9

08. Creating New Opportunities To Have a Life Full of Time with Amy Bernhard
Amy Bernhard....Speaker, Author, Social Media Guru and advocate for all things good in the world, shares this week how there is opportunity in everything we go through.Hear how the multiple Six-Figure Business she built over a Six year ...
Season 1
Episode 8

07. 2020 Will Not Win. How To Find Meaning In It.
If this year has you wondering why things are not coming together for you....this is your episode.You can find a way to have 2020 mean something rather than let it control you. Learn how letting go, can lead you to no longer being...
Season 1
Episode 7

06. Removing Self Limiting Beliefs with Clayton Percy of Your CBD Store
Today I have that guest for you that is the defintion of exactly what Rizing Up is......Clayton Percy is one of those guys that you look at and you feel like this guy just screams success, everything must come easy for him and has it al...
Season 1
Episode 6

05. Are YOU the Problem? How Legacy Plays A Direct Role In Our Divided Society
Are YOU the problem? DO YOU BELIEVE EVERY DECISION or ACTION TAKEN….FROM THE PEOPLE that WE LEAD….is a LEARNED BEHAVIOR? The way we speak, the way we act, the way we react, the way we treat others…..is absolutely a learned beh...
Season 1
Episode 5

04. Going Through Motions & Overcoming Resentment To Find Success w/ Kelly Ruth of Forty Young
Ever have an idea, or a new found passion or want to start a new business…only to NOT receive the support from the people closest to you?For Kelly Ruth of Forty Young, ……….she has that incredible story of how she started her...
Season 1
Episode 4

03. How To Rebuild Your Life with Ron Reynolds
Noted Author and Noted Leadership Speaker and Mentor, at age 83 and a stroke that has left him without the use of his left arm, Ron Reynolds shares lifelong leadership and mentorship on how to REBUILD YOUR LIFE. Divorce, a suicide letter, major...
Season 1
Episode 3

02. Embracing The Process - The True Gift of Breakthrough
There is the Need, and there is the Reward or Payoff. In between that is THE PROCESS. It's the journey and the things that we go through to get what we want, known as THE PROCESS that is the true gift. The process is where we discov...
Season 1
Episode 2