The Rizing Up Mentality with Jeff Rizer
The Rizing Up Mentality with Jeff Rizer
05. Are YOU the Problem? How Legacy Plays A Direct Role In Our Divided Society
Are YOU the problem?
DO YOU BELIEVE EVERY DECISION or ACTION TAKEN….FROM THE PEOPLE that WE LEAD….is a LEARNED BEHAVIOR? The way we speak, the way we act, the way we react, the way we treat others…..is absolutely a learned behavior.
Our actions teach the people we lead, whether the world is a loving place or a fearful place. Our actions towards others, teaches the people we lead, whether or not to trust those people and by the way we REACT, ultimately influences the child's outlook on life.
THE REACTIONS YOU ARE SEEING IN THIS WORLD TODAY ARE LEARNED BEHAVIORS….and those learned behaviors can only be changed one way…….BY YOU!
The separation in our society….points back to one reason! There is a difference between LEAVING A LEGACY, versus LEAVING an INHERITENCE.
What you do today has a direct effect on the LEGACY or INHERITENCE you leave behind tomorrow. One of those two things is FAR more important than the other. Listen to Episode # 5 to learn more.