The Rizing Up Mentality with Jeff Rizer
A podcast designed to build breakthrough mindsets that have you Becoming More, Doing More and Ultimately Giving More……inspiring stories of adversity that have led to success along with leadership and mentorship from real people, relating to ways you can begin Rizing Up against obstacles in your business and personal life.
The Rizing Up Mentality with Jeff Rizer
08. Creating New Opportunities To Have a Life Full of Time with Amy Bernhard
Jeff Rizer
Season 1
Episode 8
Amy Bernhard....Speaker, Author, Social Media Guru and advocate for all things good in the world, shares this week how there is opportunity in everything we go through.
Hear how the multiple Six-Figure Business she built over a Six year period, was completely taken from her, only to realize......it was the best thing that happened to her.
She has that Rizing Up Moment to go on to build more successful businesses, author her first book and lead others to building more self confidence so they can do the same. We discuss the mindset and belief system she lives by along with her emotional moment of finding a way to fight Human Trafficking.
Listen this week on The Rizing Up Mentality.