The Rizing Up Mentality with Jeff Rizer
A podcast designed to build breakthrough mindsets that have you Becoming More, Doing More and Ultimately Giving More……inspiring stories of adversity that have led to success along with leadership and mentorship from real people, relating to ways you can begin Rizing Up against obstacles in your business and personal life.
The Rizing Up Mentality with Jeff Rizer
10. It could be your fault you lack inspiration and fulfillment!
Jeff Rizer
Season 1
Episode 10
Mondays....a day we get to see the Karen's at work, a day we get to be frustrated, a day we HAVE to do certain things we don't want to do.......BUT.....does it really have to be that way.
Is it your fault that you lack inspiration and fulfillment? In this episode I discuss how to step up and lead in environments even when we feel our opinions do not matter. How to make a difference in our workplace, friendships and relationships even when no one else seems to care.
If you're sick of feeling unappreciated, sick of your opinion not mattering.....listen in this episode for the three questions you need to ask yourself before you can lead a mission of change.