The Rizing Up Mentality with Jeff Rizer
A podcast designed to build breakthrough mindsets that have you Becoming More, Doing More and Ultimately Giving More……inspiring stories of adversity that have led to success along with leadership and mentorship from real people, relating to ways you can begin Rizing Up against obstacles in your business and personal life.
The Rizing Up Mentality with Jeff Rizer
Creating Your Own Matrix
Jeff Rizer
Episode 24
Creating your own Matrix….how your thoughts and self belief and a focus on always taking one more step…..will absolutely change your life…………it’s a testament to the idea that success isn't just about all these big wins, but more so about the small, consistent efforts that lead us to greatness. I discuss Ed Myletts book the Power of One More and how our mindset, determination and creating our own Matrix by controlling our RAS (Reticular Activation System) can manifest so much more in your life.